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5 Surprisingly Simple Hacks to do your Makeup with Face Mask

Posted on June 04 2020

5 Surprisingly Simple Hacks to do your Makeup with Face Mask

“If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack” – Coco Chanel

Red Lipstick Makeup

Although, Malaysia is in the final phase of corona virus recovery since the beginning of movement control order (MCO), being super hygiene in general has become more of a higher priority.

Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said with the implementation of the conditional MCO (CMCO) since May 4, it has reduced the infection rate in Malaysia by a considerable amount.

“This means that the CMCO is a success. Even with the MCO, we managed to flatten the curve. This success was possible not only by what was done by the health ministry or the government but because Malaysians adhered to the SOP.”

Source: Link



So, congratulations to you. You made this happen. Each and every person’s contribution directly or indirectly has successfully flattened the curve during this testing pandemic period.

And, special mention to you if you are somebody who is even remotely involved with working in front-line. We salute your hard work, sacrifice and patience to keep all of us safe. Our words will never be enough to express our gratitude. Thank YOU.

Even though we see success with controlling the widespread, experiences in the last couple of months has left us transforming our routine and outlook in general.

Whether, it is spending more time with family or understanding the importance of taking breaks to unwind or experimenting new recipes in kitchen -- the isolation in the past many weeks has made us hungry for the outside world yet helped us with shifting our attitude towards life.

Hence, the world is undergoing a change with what is considered normal - such as working from home, frequently washing hands, being particular about cleanliness and taking extra precaution like sanitizing while wearing face masks.

We guess the real headache starts when we are juggling face mask with makeup. Imagine wearing our face mask but forgetting to wear our favorite red lipstick! We don't want to do makeup on top of the mask and look like the famous Joker..

The Joker

Source: Link

We Love Makeup!

Although it seems odd to wear makeup (such as dinner makeup or event makeup) when our face is covered from nose down, some of us still enjoy wearing foundation and blush to feel ready to take on the world – even if that involves heading to a nearby supermarket to buy eggs!

Makeup with Face Mask

Malaysian entrepreneur and style guru Neelofa, who has over 7 million Instagram followers recently had a live IG chat session with Lancôme's creative director of make-up Lisa Eldridge. One important takeaway from the IG chat that we absolutely loved was,

“Mixing your foundation with serum can add a luminous effect to your make-up. You can also pat some serum on your make-up throughout the day for a quick boost of hydration.”

This beauty tip from Neelofa is such a game-changer especially when we are constantly covered by face mask. Hydration of skin becomes even more of a priority and applying serum throughout the day could prove effective in letting our skin breathe.

Source: Link


Safety > Makeup

Face Mask

As warned by authorities, some of the key precautionary measures during corona epidemic has been to wash our hands, always wear face mask and avoid touching our face!

Since all the infection can easily get transferred from our hands to our face and then to our system – it has become crucial to carefully keep hands away from the face especially when we’re outdoors. Hence, the last thing we want to do is apply cream and makeup that is going to cause irritation constantly throughout the day. Especially when we are out for dinner or an event, and the makeup refuses to stay put. This may trigger us to involuntarily use hands to adjust the mask and take care of those minor skin itches putting us and our family’s health at risk.

It’s not worth suffering just because of a lipstick-irritation or a foundation-itch.

If we want to wear makeup, on more than the top-half of the face, the best thing to do is use a waterproof mascara, matte foundation and lipstick that doesn’t smudge.

Maybe this can help us looking and feeling good along with being 100% safe 😊

Just like there are new work and safety changes happening everywhere, below are 5 simple ways by which you can do new makeup for any occasion while taking care of your face mask like a pro!

In case you want to try something different other than hiring makeup artists for events in Malaysia, below guidelines could be helpful 😊


Step 1: Start with a moisturizer to hydrate your skin

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Wearing face mask for a long period of time can cause skin irritation. Hence, hydrating your face with a good quality moisturizer is very important.

Face moisturizer is an essential skincare product. However, not every brand is "one size fits all." Just as everybody is different, so is every skin type.

Hence, when selecting a moisturizer, it's important to use the right one for your skin. Given Malaysia’s humid climate on top of wearing face mask, using a moisturizer that isn't quite right for your skin type could lead to unnecessary problems.

Apart from drinking water, this extra step can be helpful for your face letting it soak in fresh moisture.


Step 2: Apply Face Cream with SPF

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Since you wear a face mask and half the face is covered, any face cream suitable for your skin should work. Just make sure the cream has SPF so you always protect your skin when you are out hustling in life! And you already know many benefits of wearing SPF -

“Skin protected from the sun through a face cream with SPF can help with retaining the ability of collagen production. The retention of moisture within the skin is otherwise depleted from sun exposure. Skin creates collagen. With the maintained ability of the skin to create collagen, the skin not only can appear moisturized but also be less prone to fine lines and wrinkles.”

“A good facial moisturizer with SPF can reduce the instance of developing carcinoma of the skin.”

“Using a facial moisturizer with SPF can reduce the chance in which laser or cosmetic procedures are required to correct damage that has already been caused by the skin.”

“As part of the natural aging process of the skin, many people experience discoloration through certain areas of the skin. These discolored areas of the skin can be reduced through proper protection from the sun through the use of facial moisturizing products that contain SPF.”

- Source: Link


Step 3: Use Face Powder to set it all in

Face Powder

This step is where you are really getting committed to sealing the makeup.

Face powders even out the skin tone, making your skin look smoother. Along with helping your light makeup last longer throughout the day, face powders also absorb extra shininess from your face. Since the very nature of powders is to absorb excess moisture, your face will look fresher for a long period of time. Especially, if you have oily skin – this step becomes handy.

Dab a little powder on your face to look fresh and be ready for the day. You could carry the powder in your purse just in case your face needs a retouch!

The same holds true for powder - not too much. Powder has a tendency to sit on top rather than blend into your face, so be sure to blend your makeup to avoid obvious lines. Makeup is meant to enhance features, not hide them. Wearing too much makeup will make you look cakey and completely different. Unless that’s your goal, here are some things to keep in mind when applying makeup:

First, choose a foundation that matches your skin tone. A little goes a long way, so start applying lightly and add more as desired. The goal of foundation is to create a smooth, even tone. Also, select a brush that is appropriate for your foundation; some brushes work best with a liquid foundation, as opposed to pressed powder. 


Step 4: Focus on eye makeup with eye shadow, mascara and liner

Eye Makeup

Dark, thick eyeliner will make you look overdone. Though it may be perfect for Saturday night, it definitely doesn’t look natural. Most mascaras have a tendency to clump, which forces your lashes to come together and leave large gaps. Applying mascara lightly will avoid this issue and enhance your lashes in the most natural way. 

Keita Moore, professional make-up artist from New York City says, “If there’s one thing we should learn now, it’s how to properly fill in your brows,”

Since eyes are the most exposed part of the face, focusing extra on eye makeup could be a smart move.

When it comes to eyelashes, it’s time to be more creative - “You can just add a couple lashes to the outer end of your lashes for more drama,” Mr. Moore said.

“As our time in masks wears on, makeup artists expect we’ll transition to eye makeup that’s simple yet expressive. Eyeliner is the best tool for these times because it’s uncomplicated. A bright color is interesting and fun without requiring the layering and dimension of eye shadow.” – New York Times

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So, bring out your favorite mascara, eye liner and eye shadow and make the most out of it!


Step 5: End with a lip balm and seize the day

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The last step is easy peasy lemon squeezy - Lip balm: the humble, most underrated piece of makeup. With face mask on, lip balm is the best option as opposed to a full-on lipstick. To avoid drying of the lips while being covered by face mask for a long period of time, balm is a must-have option.

Bonus Step: If you reach your workplace and are comfortable with removing face mask, you could then head to washroom and apply your favorite lipstick to complete the makeup look. But this is just an option you could consider.

For a natural look, it is best to stick with neutral colors. Sometimes a clear gloss is perfect to keep it natural but add that little bit of spunk. You can even just throw on some tinted chapstick! 

Well, that wraps up the Covid-special Makeup Routine!

Since the quarantine period, there has been an increasing demand in gloves, masks with attractive designs, eye-makeup that’s simple yet classy. This proves the fact the adversity brings out innovatory in people and that’s what life is about right? Growing, exploring, and evolving.

So, on that note – we would like to mention that no need to give up on makeup just because of face mask. Winning in your personal & professional life becomes a lot better when you have your favorite mascara on.

Like Coco Chanel says, just add more lipstick and attack!

